CoinTracking mobile

Terra Classic Address and Wallet Import

Automatic blockchain import for Terra Classic wallet transactions

Import all transactions of a Terra Classic address

This function will import instantly all transaction of a Terra Classic address into your CoinTracking account and will also add all future transactions of this address.

신규 거래 작업을 만드세요:

Your LUNA Address:

Import incoming and outgoing transactions
Import incoming transactions only
전출 거래만 가져오세요.

Import incoming transactions as:
Import outgoing transactions as:

Optional settings and filters: [Details]

거래의 양이 어마어마한 경우, 가져오기 과정은 몇 초가 걸릴 수 있습니다.
당신의 저장된 거래 작업:

당신은 저장된 작업이 없습니다.