CoinTracking mobile
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你正在观看一段现场演示。免费注册 以开始使用。


Roll Forward / Audit Report

This Roll Forward report provides the detailed asset data that you require for financial statements, tax reporting and period closing.
It includes the start and end balances for all assets, together with valuation movements and any new asset purchase and sell that occurred during the report period.

这个计算时针对有经验的用户。 Hover over the Info icons on the right for additional information.
In order to correctly display the values on this page, it is imperative that all data has been entered correctly and completely into CoinTracking. If you encounter any problems, please read and follow the FAQs.


  • Create roll forward reports required for audits and tax reporting
  • Review your used purchase pools for every single sale by clicking on the PLUS icon next to a sale or outgoing transaction
  • Jump to a purchase by clicking on the CoinTracking Transaction ID in the sales details list
  • Expand / Collapse all rows
  • 设置计算参数
    • 价格
    • 方法
    • 成本基准
    • 当前过滤器
    • 按照类型,交易所,交易组和日期过滤所有记录
    • 将充值和提币添加到计算中
    • 按天分组所有买入
  • 搜索和分类你的记录
  • 按CSV,Excel或者PDF导出所有记录


  • 此页未空或者没有输入电子货币:
  • 礼物,挖矿和收入都作为0USD:
    所有交易记录比如礼物,挖矿和其他收入都被默认记上交易方式时刻的成本。如果你更愿意记录为0USD,那么请打开 "过滤器"点击相应的交易类型2次
  • 成本基准错误:
    If the cost basis is off, the transaction values could be wrong. Open the Enter Coins page and correct the value of the asset, if necessary (instruction).
  • 已实现损益警报: 请保证所有输入CoinTracking的买入和卖出时完整并且正确的。 如果买入货币遗失,会导致警告和结果计算的错误! (了解更多)。
  • 每个文本框的右上角有info图标可以提供更多信息。 若有疑问请参考损益FAQs
CoinTracking · Chart



Use depot separation:
By default, CoinTracking uses an overall method across all exchanges/wallets and calculates cost bases purely by date sequence. By activating the depot separation, all exchanges and wallets are treated as separate depots (tax lots).
Please ensure that all your deposits and withdrawals between exchanges/wallets are set completely and correctly in your CoinTracking account when enabling this setting.
This new depot separation automatically recognizes all deposits and withdrawals and assigns them to the respective exchanges/wallets.
In order to calculate your gain and tax, all your trades that are not in your FIAT currency, must be converted into your FIAT currency at the time of the transaction.
We strongly recommend to use the 'Best Prices' setting.

Best Prices (recommended): will convert in this order:
1. FIAT currencies (USD, EUR, GBP...)
2. Crypto currencies and commodities based on their market cap
Transaction Prices: will convert the 1st part of your trade-pair into FIAT as cost base:
Counterpart Prices: will convert the 2nd part of your trade-pair into FIAT as cost base
Buy Prices: will always convert the buy part of your trade-pair into FIAT:
Sell Prices: will always convert the sell part of your trade-pair into FIAT

例子 1: Buy 1 BTC for 3000 USD (assuming USD is your FIAT currency)
- Best Prices: will use 3000 USD (no conversion here), since USD has a higher priority than BTC
- Transaction Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD
- Counterpart Prices: will use 3000 USD (no conversion here)
- Buy Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD
- Sell Prices: will use 3000 USD (no conversion here)

例子 2: Buy 60 ETH for 1 BTC (assuming USD is your FIAT currency)
- Best Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD (as cost base and proceeds), since BTC has a higher priority than ETH
- Transaction Prices: will convert 60 ETH into USD as the ETH cost base and will convert 1 BTC into USD as the BTC proceeds value
- Counterpart Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD as the ETH cost base and will convert 60 ETH into USD for the BTC proceeds value
- Buy Prices: will convert 60 ETH to USD (as cost base and proceeds)
- Sell Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD (as cost base and proceeds)

例子 3: Buy 1 BTC for 60 ETH (assuming USD is your FIAT currency)
- Best Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD (as cost base and proceeds), since BTC has a higher priority than ETH
- Transaction Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD as the BTC cost base and will convert 60 ETH into USD as the ETH proceeds value
- Counterpart Prices: will convert 60 ETH into USD as the BTC cost base and will convert 1 BTC into USD as the ETH proceeds value
- Buy Prices: will convert 1 BTC into USD (as cost base and proceeds)
- Sell Prices: will convert 60 ETH into USD (as cost base and proceeds)

过滤器 (65/65)
  • Transaction Types (42/42)
  • 全选 | 全不选 | 0 costbase
  • Incoming Transactions
  • Outgoing Transactions
  • 交易所 (16/16)
  • 全选 | 全不选
  • 组 (7/7)
  • 全选 | 全不选
  • 时段 (全部)
  • 移除日期过滤器
  • 开始日期:
  • Start time:
  • 结束日期:
  • End time:
基于成本0 USD进行计算。

This table contains all incoming and outgoing transactions. Click on the PLUS icon next to a sale (or outgoing transaction) to display the list of purchases related to this sale.
  • 类型: Can be any incoming (buy, income, mining...) or outgoing (sell, spend, donation...) transaction.
  • 数量: The transferred amount.
  • 货币.: The transferred currency.
  • 按单位的累积成本:(*) 在这次交易前所有买入价格的平均值(直到这个日期的所有买入的总值/直到这个日期的所有买入总数)。如果买入数量为负,将不会计算已实现的收益,也不会有随价格变化而变化。
  • 按单位的卖出价格:(*) The calculated sell price per unit for this trade at the time of your transaction (sell value / amount). Only for outgoing transactions.
  • 修改: The difference between your sale and the cumulated cost in percent. Only for outgoing transactions.
  • 累积成本:(*) 计算买入总量(单位累积成本价格x数量)
  • 卖出价值:(*) The sell value of this transaction (Sell Price per Unit * Amount). Only for outgoing transactions.
  • 已实现损益: The gain or loss you have achieved with this sale (Sell Value - Cumulated Cost). Only for outgoing transactions.
  • 日期: The day and time of this transaction.
  • 交易所: The exchange name of this transaction.
  • CoinTracking Transact. ID: The internal CoinTracking ID for this transaction (not the exchange tx-id). Used to match incoming transactions to outgoing transactions.

Additional details for incoming transactions (click on the PLUS icon):
  • Buy Transaction-ID: The tx-id of the exchange. "none" if no tx-id is set.

Additional details for outgoing transactions (click on the PLUS icon):
  • 类型: The type of input (buy, income, mining...) to be offset against the output.
  • Initial Buy Amount: The full value originally purchased/received.
  • Remaining Buy Amount: The remaining purchased/received value, in case parts of the purchase pool have already been sold.
  • 单位成本: The calculated purchase price per unit for this single transaction at the time of the transaction (cost / inital buy amount).
  • 成本: The calculated purchase price in total for this single transaction at the time of the transaction.
  • 日期: The day and time of this transaction.
  • 交易所: The exchange name of this transaction.
  • CoinTracking ID: The internal CoinTracking ID for this transaction (not the exchange tx-id). Click on it to find the incoming transaction in the table (only if the transaction is on the same table page).
  • Buy amount prior sale: The amount of the purchase pool, prior the sale.
  • Buy amount after sale: The amount of the purchase pool, after the sale.
  • Sold amount: The amount that could be sold from the remaining purchase pool.
  • Remaining sell amount: The sales amount that remains at the end and must be offset against the next purchase pool.
  • Sell Transaction-ID: The sell tx-id of the exchange. "none" if no tx-id is set.
  • Buy Transaction-ID: The buy tx-id(s) of the exchange. "none" if no tx-id is set.
导出: 点击导出按钮,能导出这个表格。
列排序: 点击列名称来更改排序。 Shift-点击另外一列进行多列排序。



This table contains all bought and sold currencies. Click on the PLUS icon next to a sale (or outgoing transaction) to display the list of purchases related to this sale.

类型 数量 Cur. Cumulated Cost
per Unit
修改 累积成本 卖出价值 实现的
日期 交易所 CoinTracking
Transact. ID